

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tips for Tuesdays - Little House in the Big Woods, Up in the Cheap Seats and Shards of Glass Memories

We may have been given some of the books mentioned below for review purposes. This post also may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, we may be compensated. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.
Me - Today I am recommending Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This book is interesting. It is fun learning about how things were a long time ago.  They were so different than they are now. I like the character of Laura. Sometimes, I relate to her. She seems like she would be a fun person to hang out with. This classic book is great for young girls.
Me & Mom - Today we are both recommending Up in the Cheap Seats by Ron Fassler. The book is about when Ron was a boy and went to a lot of Broadway shows for very little money. At the time you could get a seat  in up the back of the theater for less than $5.00. The book also contains some chapters on specific actors and/or shows. It is a very interesting book. It skillfully blends the retrospective of a young theater fan and self-appointed critic with an insiders view of Broadway. It is especially fun to read some of the reviews of shows that Ron wrote when he was younger which are included as part of the book. Reading it makes you long for the days when theater and everything was less expensive and more accessible to all, and a kid could buy a ticket and get to the theater with just his allowance money.
Mom - Today I am also recommending Shards of Glass Memories by Sharon R. McCabe. Shards of Glass Memories is also a memoir. It is the story of Ms. McCabe's family from about 1930 through the early 2000's with an epilogue set in 2015. The book is not quite a soap opera. However, there is just enough family intrigue to keep things interesting. Incidences and events recounted in the family history include a drunk driving incident with serious repercussions, and a woman secretly in love with her sister's husband among other things as well as the usual births, death etc, and a lot of moving from one location to another. The story is more of retrospective than a novel as it contains very little dialogue. If you interested in  books that truly invoke the past, you would probably enjoy this book.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

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