

Friday, March 3, 2017

Funtivity Friday - Card Games

Here are some card games that we like:

1) War
2) Go Fish
3) Rummy

Sometimes it's fun to make up card games too. Here are some we made up.

1) High/Low - Pick a card from the deck, Guess if the next card is going to be higher or lower. If you get it right you get to keep the pair. If not, the cards go back into the deck. Then, the next person picks a card and guesses if the next card is going to be higher or lower and so on. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

2) Guess the Card - In this game you actually have to guess what the next card will be and if you guess right you get that card. If not, it goes back into the deck. The person with most cards at the end of the game win.

3) Odds or Evens - In this game you guess if the next card is going to be odd or even. If you guess right you get the pair. If not, the cards go back into the deck. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

4) Lose Your Cards - Decide if you are going to play high cards or low cards. If you play high cards, the person who has the high card gets the cards. If you play low card, the person who has the low card gets the cards. However, the object here is to lose your cards so the person who has the least amount of cards at the end of the game wins.

What card games do you like to play?


Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop,


  1. Go Fish was a childhood favorite of mine!


    1. My kids always used to love that too. I always liked War. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom.

  2. I enjoyed reading about the games that you made up!
    Two card games that I remember playing many, many years ago are called "Golf" and "Speed." (I'm pretty sure "Speed" was the name.) So fun! I've forgotten how they games went, and how to play. ...Oh! Double Solitaire was another one.

    1. I used to know how to play Solitaire but I've forgotten. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.
