

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Theater Thursday - Kadan Bart Rockett and Brooklyn

What: Kadan Bart Rockett and Brooklyn

Where: iPlay America
            110 Schank Road
            Freehold, NJ

When: December 29, 2016
             Go to for future tour dates and locations

Who: All Ages

Me - Kadan Bart Rockett and Brooklyn are magicians.  They were semi-finalists on season 11 of America's Got Talent.  He is 10, and she is 8, but they seem much older. Their show was very interesting. The tricks they did were really coo! For one trick, he sawed her in half. It was strange because they never showed him putting her back together. He showed how to do a trick where you rip a paper up, and then, put it back together. They showed a lot of video clips of them as they were growing up and  when they were on America's Got Talent and stuff.Their Dad is a magician too. He inspired them to became magicians like him. Their father was at the show too. He did a ventriloquism act. He said his dummy was their older brother. The show was good. I enjoyed it.

Mom - We recently had the opportunity to see young magicians, Kadan Bart Rockett and Brooklyn at iPlay America. The talented young duo seemed quite mature for their ages. You would never know they were only 10 and 8 years old respectively. Most of the tricks they performed weren't necessarily ones that you had never seen before. He sawed his sister in half and did tricks where she suddenly appeared out of nowhere and they magical changed places, for example. However. it was impressive to see these tricks performed and performed so well by people of such young ages. The only problem was that it seemed to take an awful long time between different tricks, and they also changed costumes a lot. It would have been better to get to see them performing more and have less set and costume changes. Bart Rockett, Kaden and Brooklyn's father also performed at the show. He did magic too as well as ventriloquism. It would have been nice to see more of Kadan and Brooklyn and less of him. All in all though, if you want to see a talented young pair of magicians, you should see Kadan Bart Rockett and Brooklyn. For more about Kadan and Brooklyn see our previous post Saturday Special - An Interview With America's Got Talent Semi-Finalist's, Kaden Bart Rocket and Brooklyn and/or go to For more about upcoming events at iPlay America go to and/or read our weekly Sunday Scoop posts.

And that'sour view. Tune in tomorrow for Funtivity Friday.

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