

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tips for Tuesday - Books: FisherDawg by Lisa L. Phillips

We were given a free copy of FisherDawg for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Me- Today I am recommending FisherDawg. It is an entertaining book  for young kids. It is about a dog and his every day life. The book is based on a real dog and the pictures in the book are actual pictures of the real dog.  The dog is really cute and there are some funny parts. I liked that the book was from the dog's point of view. All kids would like this book but especially young kids that like dogs. Older kids that like dogs would like the pictures too, but the book is a little too easy for them.

Mom - Today I am also recommending FisherDawg. FisherDawg is the story of  a very cute King Charles Cavilier dog who likes to go fishing. The book is the first book in what is so far a three book series about the same dog. The dog whose real name is Cilla belongs to Lisa L. Phillips. the author of the books. Very young children (and anyone who loves animals) will love the beautiful pictures of this adorable dog. Slightly older children will enjoy reading this fun book. The book is meant for children ages 2-7 and is on a kindergarten to 2 grade reading level. The book also includes jokes, crafts and a recipe for dog treats as do all books in the series.  For more information about this book or any other books in the FisherDawg series, for more fun activities to do, to order FisherDawg products, or to learn more about the author Lisa L. Phillips go to

Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

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