

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tips for Tuesday: Books: Charlotte's Web and Kids Are Turds Brutally Honest Humor for the Pooped-Out Parent

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Me - Today I am recommending Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. I really liked Charlotte's Web. It's about pig named Wilbur and his best friend, Charlotte the spider. When Charlotte first becomes friend with Wilbur she promises to save his life so that he doesn't become ham and/or bacon. The book has a nice story. I like the characters too. My favorite characters are Charlotte, Wilbur, a goose that repeats everything three times and Fern the little girl who owns Wilbur. This classic is a great book that I'd really recommend reading if you haven't already.
Mom - Today I am recommending Kids Are Turds Brutally Honest Humor for the Pooped-Out Parent by Jenny Schoberl. At times hilarious at times touching, Jenny Schoberl's book really capture the essence of what it is to be a parent. What parent can't relate to using the kids as an excuse to get out of social engagement or the art of  loving gifts just because they are from your child? With short quick chapters, this book is a great read even for the parent who doesn't have a lot of time to read. Just be aware that Ms. Schoberl's language is very frank and she doesn't shy away from cursing and vulgarity (as is evidenced by the use of the term "turd" in the title) so if that sort of thing bothers you, you may want skip this book. However, if you do you'll be missing out on a very funny read.

And that's our view. For a chance to win a copy of Kids Are Turds Brutally Honest Humor for the Pooped-Out Parent see this post:Giveaway: Win Two Humorous Parenting Books!

Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.


  1. I love finding new fun books to read! Thanks for sharing :]

    1. Your welcome! Thank you for visiting our blog and for your comment. We recommend books in our Tips for Tuesdays 1 to 3 Tuesdays a month so check back for more recommendations. On the other days, we recommend movies, apps., web-sites, YouTube channels or misc. products and places.
