

Monday, February 15, 2016

Pros and Cons of Having a Pet

Me - Here are five great things about having pets

1) It's been scientifically proven that cuddling with your pet can improve your mood

.2) They are cute.

3) Taking care of a pet teaches responsibility.

.4) They are entertaining unless you have a fish.

5) They can help you learn compassion.

Mom - Here are five bad things about having pets

1) It's a lot of responsibility

2) They can be noisy

3) It can cost a lot of money to feed and properly care for a pet. 

4) They can make a lot of trouble.

5) You can't make a pet love you.

And that's our view. What do you think is good and bad about having a pet?

Photo credits:
photo credit 1: Mis amores via photopin (license)
photo credit 2: "Buller" the Rabbit via photopin (license)
photo credit 3: via photopin (license)
photo credit 4: kittens via photopin (license)
photo credit 5: A Midday Bath via photopin (license)
photo credit 6: Aggressive Dog via photopin (license)
photo credit 7: Aggressive Dog via photopin (license)
photo credit 8: Eviscerated via photopin (license)

Infographic provided by Personal Capital


  1. Such a helpful post for those on the fence about getting a pet. Thanks for the great advice :)

    1. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.

  2. Thanks for all the advice may rethink getting a pet.

    1. Your welcome. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.

  3. Thanks for all the advice may rethink getting a pet.

    1. It's still worth it though if you really love animals and you can afford and you can take the time to care for them properly. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom, and for your comment.

  4. Yes!! I AGREE!! I had a pet, but since we have to move to another country, we let our relatives take care of our pet, and just after months pass by, without communications with them (because they don't answer to our massages, hmp), suddenly they message us that my pet cat died!! She was hit by the car!! Up until now, I don't know what to do and I just misses her so much. :( It hurts badly to think that she's now gone and I don't have anything to come back again in our homeland. 😣 I can't help myself but to shed a tear everytime I see a cat in social medias. :(

    My poor Knot-knot. 😭

    1. I am so sorry to hear about the lose of your beloved pet. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. There can definitely be cons to getting a pet but I fully believe under the proper circumstances, the pros definitely outweigh anything bad!

  7. Great outline of the pros and cons. Thanks!

    1. Your welcome! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom.

  8. I think pets bring Joy to your life and they can help you stay active.

    1. We totally agree! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom, and for your comment.

  9. All the cons are nothing, I miss my buddy everyday since he's gone..

    1. My sympathy on the lose of your beloved pet. I know how you feel. I have two cats currently, and I love them both very much. However, not a day goes by that I don't love and miss all of the pets that have been a part of my life before them. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom, and for your comment.

  10. This is a great post the pros outweigh the cons

    1. For us the pros outweigh the cons too. Thank you for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.

  11. Thanks so much for all the great tips and advice.We do love our pets
    even though they act like two year olds most of the time.

    1. We love ours too. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.

  12. Aw, I wish I had a pet. My boyfriend is allergic to animal hair :/

    1. We feel bad for you. We couldn't live without our furry family members. Thank you for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.

  13. Such a helpful post for those on the fence about getting a pet.
