

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Alice in Wonderland at The Morgan Library & Museum

We were given free tickets to the Morgan Library & Museum for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own based on our experience.
What: The Morgan Museum & Library

Where: 225 Madison Ave. at 35th St.
            New York, NY

Who: Teens and above
Mom's view: Despite it's subject matter, the Alice in Wonderland exhibit at the Morgan Library & Museum is not for young children. Older children and adults who are interested in Lewis Carroll or in authors and books especially classic books would definitely enjoy it, however. The exhibit consists mostly of letters, books and pictures.  There are Lewis Carroll's actual writings not just of Alice in Wonderland but of other things as well, such as a journal he kept. Included among his writings is the original manuscript of the book. There are also other rare editions of the book as well as books by other authors who may have inspired or been read by Lewis Carroll. There are pictures of Lewis Carroll, who was born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, as well as pictures of Alice Lidell, the alleged inspiration for Alice and her sisters. There are framed drawings from various editions of the book including drawings by Jon Tenniel, the original illustrator of the book. There is one area that probably would be of interest to children where you can listen to a reading of the original Alice story which was then called Alice's Adventure's Underground. However, as we did not listen to the whole thing, I don't know how long it is or if it would be possibly to stay there and listen to the whole thing especially since there are no seats. Aside from the rare versions of the book that are encased in glass, there are also various editions that can be handled and leafed through, There isn't really any place to sit comfortably and read them, however. If you are interested in viewing this exhibit, go soon. It will only be open through Monday October 12, and Lewis Carroll's original manuscript will only be on exhibit through Sunday October 11. There is also an Alice in Wonderland exhibit on-line at the Morgan Library & Museum's web-site. For more information about the Alice in Wonderland exhibit in the museum or on-line go to: Other exhibits currently on display at the Museum include one on Ernest Hemmingway.  That exhibit run through the end of January, 2016. For general information about the Morgan Library & Museum go to
And that's Mom's view. Tune in tomorrow for Melia's view of the Alice in Wonderland exhibit at the Morgan Library & Museum.
Lewis Carroll

Alice Lidell

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