

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Alice in Wonderland at the Morgan Library & Museum

We were given free tickets to the Morgan Library & Museum for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.
Melia's view: Alice in Wonderland at the Morgan Library & Museum, wow! It was really cool and interesting. I don't remember that much about the book, but I like the Disney cartoon version of the movie. It was fascinating to learn about Lewis Carroll and how he came to write Alice in Wonderland. It was cool to see a picture of him too. He didn't look anything like I thought he would look. I didn't know that the book was originally called Alice's Adventures Underground. At the museum, you could listen to a recording of somebody reading that version. The words on the screen were hard to read though, and I couldn't really understand the accent of the person reading it so I only listened to a little. They also had a lot of drawings from different versions of the books. Some of the drawings were kind of strange. In one one, Alice had a really long stretched out neck. It was so weird. Some of the drawings were good though. I really liked this one where there was an original black and white sketch of Alice and a color drawing of Alice  side by side. The exhibit really made me want to go watch the movie Alice in Wonderland again.
And that's Melia's view. What is your favorite part of Alice in Wonderland?

Tune in tomorrow for Funtivity Friday.

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