

Monday, October 26, 2015

Guest Post: Top Health Benefits of Using Pregnancy Pillows

Your body encounters a lot of changes during pregnancy. Not only your tummy grows big to accommodate the growing size of the baby, there are several lifestyle changes you also have to cope with. Getting pregnant is definitely a source of happiness to you and your partner, but you also must prepare yourself for some bouts of challenges associated with pregnancy.

Not Just For Comfort, Pregnancy Pillow Is Used Because Of The Health Benefits It Gives

One of the complaints of most mothers-to-be is sleep deprivation. When the tummy grows big and the body gains weight, a good night sleep becomes rather difficult to achieve. It is because during pregnancy, the expanding uterus (womb) pushes the bladder which makes you urinate frequently. It is also during this stage when you find sleeping difficult because you cannot sleep on the lying position you have become accustomed with. Further, pregnancy causes some parts of your body to ache, particularly the back, hips and legs, and the pain makes you uneasy. Good thing there are innovative products that help pregnant women deal with sleeping difficulties, one of which is the pregnancy pillow.

Pregnancy pillow is designed to deliver comfort during the times when a good sleep is elusive. This is a kind of pillow meant to cushion the whole body, providing comfort and easing the pain of the body. Pregnancy pillows make use of soft and safe-to-the-skin fabrics so you have nothing to worry when it comes to rashes, itch, and other skin reactions. Additionally, these pillows are long and flexible enough to adopt to whatever sleeping position you desire. What’s great about sleeping pillow is that apart from the comfort it gives, health benefits are also achieved by using it. Some of the top health benefits of using pregnancy pillows are the

Body aches and pains: When you use a pregnancy pillow in sleeping, the level of your body pain significantly decreases due to the cushioning and comfort the pillow brings. The pregnancy pillow is said to work wonders, as it effectively takes away the sore and ache associated to weight and body changes during this stage of your pregnancy.

Blood circulation: Experts agree that side-sleeping is the best position during pregnancy. As you sleep on your side using a pregnancy pillow, ease in blood circulation is achieved. Consequently, an uninterrupted blood circulation aids in the fast and smooth delivery of nutrients to the baby.

Uninterrupted sleep: Pregnancy can easily make you feel exhausted, fatigued and overly-tired. Due to this, you deserve to have long hours of rest and relaxation and pregnancy pillow is designed to give you the kind of sleep you deserve. Sleeping well also prevents you from getting cranky and moody.

Overall health:  Sleep deprivation results to binge-eating which is not healthy during pregnancy. You need all the energy you can get, and if you have the right amount of sleep, you are helping your body achieve a safe and worry-free pregnancy. Pregnant mothers like you must maintain a strong and healthy body in preparation for the coming of the baby and pregnancy pillow helps you in achieving that.*

*The above is a guest post by Arya Mullens of


  1. Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phase of a woman’s life, and the most uncomfortable one too. Sleep deprivation during pregnancy is valid as it is one of the ways on how the body reacts to the changes it faces. WE are the only one who can determine which pillow will be the best suited one for us.

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