

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Where-To-Go Wednesdays - If/Then

 What: If/Then

Where: Richard Rodgers Theatre
              226 W. 46th Street
              New York, New York

Who: 13 and above

Our view: If you want to hear beautiful voices and see great acting go to see If/Then. If you are looking for memorable songs or a great story, this is not the show for you.  There is not even one song that we even remembered as soon as we left the theater. If/Then takes an interesting premise showing the alternate ways one woman's life would go if she made different choices in her life, but ultimately the way they handle it is not necessarily satisfactory. If you are a strong believer in fate, you might enjoy where they go with the show. However, otherwise, it might seem perhaps a little bit too coincidental and convenient. Despite its faults, we would recommend, the show because as we said it is well-acted, and it is a chance to hear Idina Menzel sing live, and if you get a chance like that you should definitely take it. If you are planning to go, go quickly there are only a few performances left as the show is closing on March 22.  Also, be warned especially if you have children who are big fans of  Idina because of Frozen, the show is not appropriate for young children because of language and some of the story. For more information go to

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for more about If/Then and Idina Menzel.

 photo credit: If/Then via photopin (license)