

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Me - If/Then, wow! If/Then definitely wasn't the best show. It wasn't really that memorable. It wasn't that great. The songs were not memorable, in fact, I forgot them while I was listening to them. The best thing about the show was Idina Menzel.  Idina was amazing. Her singing was great. The acting in general was good. The singing was good, but of course, Idina was the best and not only because she was the star  of the show. The sets were really cool. It was two levels. I never saw anything like that before. Overall, I wouldn't recommend seeing the show for the show itself but I would recommend it for the performances especially Idina Menzel's.
Mom - I have been lucky enough to see Idina Menzel perform in a Broadway show three times in my life. I saw her as Maureen in Rent. I saw her as Elphaba in Wicked. I saw her as Elizabeth (Liz/Beth) in If/Then. Each time, she was deservedly nominated for a Tony award although she only won once for Wicked. I am glad I had the opportunity to see each show. The acting and singing of all the performers in each show was great. Rent was a great show. Wicked was a great show. Both of them were great shows with great music. If/Then is not a great show nor did it have great music. The one thing it really has going for it is great performances.The performances were equally as good in If/Then as in both those other shows.  So, is it worth it go see a talented cast performing in a not so good show? Sometimes, it might be. If you have the opportunity to see actors the caliber of the performers in this show especially Idina Menzel, you should definitely take it because who knows when the opportunity will come again.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.