

Monday, March 23, 2015

I love it when ...

Me -

I love it when, wow!
I love it when my kittens curl up in my lap.
I love it when my kittens lick me.
I love it when my kittens sleep with me.
I love it when I get to sleep late.
I love it when something funny happens.
I love it when I'm watching my favorite show.
I love it when I get to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe.
I love it when my sister and I get along.
I love it when I am exhausted, and I can't keep my eyes open and my head hits the pillow.
I love it when there is a perfect day when it is not too cold and it is not too hot.
I love it when people laugh at my jokes.
I love it on those rare occasions when I look into the mirror and I actually feel pretty.
I love it when I am reading a book, and then all of the sudden I get to that part where I just can't stop reading because I have to know what happens next.
I love it when people complement me.
I love it when I don't have that much homework, and I have a lot of free time.
I love it when I've listened to a song I've listened to many times before, and then suddenly I'll be listening and all of the sudden it just clicks, and I know exactly what the words are.
I love it when I get a perfect score on a test.
I love it when I make honor roll.
I love it when I get straight As on my report card.
I love it when I get to spend time with my family.
I love it when somebody loses something and I find it, and everybody things I'm the hero.
I love it when I figure something out before everybody else does.
I love it when I am the only one who knows the answer to a question.
I love it when so many things happen that I can't even think of them all.

Mom -

 I love it when I don't have to get up early.
I love it when I don't have to wake up at any particular time at all.
I love it when I am not on a particular schedule.
I love it when my kids are getting along.
I love it when things are really great between my husband and I.
I love it when my kids surprise me in a good way.
I love it when my husband surprises me in a good way.
I love it when my kittens snuggle up with me or give me kisses.
I love it when I have a good hair day.
I love it when my outfit looks just right.
I love it when I get a packaged delivered.
I love it when I get a good deal on something I want to buy.
I love it when I win a contest or sweepstakes.
I love it when I start a book.
I love it when I finish a book.
I love it when I see a great movie.
I love it when I see a really good episode of a TV show I like.
I love it when I get a great idea for  a story for my other blog, Stories for Aurella.
I love it when I get an exciting e-mail.
I love it when I get a comment on my blog.
I love it when I get to take a day trip with my family.
I love it when good memories come to mind.
I love it when everything is going just right. Of course, those days are rare but that only makes me love them even more.

And that's our view. When do you love?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

photo credits
photo credits 1: In the cat cafe via photopin (license)
photo credit 2: Reading in the library3 via photopin (license)
photo credit 3: Tenderness via photopin (license)
photo credit: 4 Family Walk via photopin (license)

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