

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Chocolate Show Musical

What: The Chocolate Show

Where: 47 Street Theatre
           304 W. 47th St.
           New York, New York

Who: 8 and up

Our view: As a huge chocoholics, we probably would have gone to see a reading of the phone book for the promise of free chocolate. However, if you are in it only for the chocolate, you should probably skip the chocolate show. They do give out chocolate as you enter the theater, but it is rather small and not very tasty. However, if you pass up the opportunity to see this show because of that, you'll be missing out on a really funny really entertaining show. The chocolate show is like three shows in one. There is the not quite historically accurate but very funny history of chocolate. There are cute songs about chocolate. Also, There is the very funny Chocolate Show itself where Cookie Conwell, Queen of the Coca Bean, is ending her year long reign and picking a successor to her title. All three parts of the show are very entertaining. All of the show is funny including the songs which are based around such chocolate staples as hot chocolate, cupcakes and fancy designer chocolate. However, the best part of the show is the part involving Cookie Conwell's search for the new Queen of the Coca Bean. Her search involves audience participation as she chooses a member of the audience to be her successor. Plus there is even more free chocolate as members of the audience who are chosen to participate on stage are given chocolate as prizes. Some of the prizes are the same type of chocolate as the chocolate given out at the entrance to the theater, but some of it is different. However, as we've said there is much more to this show than just free chocolate and whether you are a chocolate fan or a musical theater fan or both, you won't want to miss this show. Just keep in mind a couple of things. There is some bad language in the show and the show is not appropriate for very young children. They would probably be bored with it anyway. For more information or to order tickets go to thechocolateshowmusical.

And that's our view. Tune in to tomorrow's Talking Topic post where we will be discussing more about The Chocolate Show.

Disclaimer: We were give tickets to The Chocolate Show. The opinions expressed here are our own based on our experience attending a performance of the show.