

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Chocolate Show

Me- The Chocolate Show, wow! We recently went to see The Chocolate Show in New York Off Broadway. It was really funny and really good. They give you chocolate when you go in, but it's a tease because it is really small, and it doesn't taste good. There are places in the show where members of the audience are selected to go up  on stage and participate. There is the pretend story of how chocolate was born. There are musical numbers. There is a competition for a show called The Chocolate Show. There are three categories to compete in, style, intelligence and talent. Those are the parts where the audience participates. The show is hosted by The Queen of the Coca Bean. Her name is Cookie Conwell. Her reign is over, and the audience members are competing for the crown. This is a very funny show with great music and you should definitely see it if you like having fun and eating chocolate.

Mom - They had me at Chocolate. The minute I heard there was a show called The Chocolate Show, I knew it was something I had to see. It turned out to be so much more than just free chocolate. In fact, the free chocolate turned to be one of the most underwhelming parts of the whole experience. We had a great time at the show. It was a very fun experience which was only enhanced by both of my daughters being chosen to participate in segments of the show. Melia was chosen to be part of the intelligence portion where she was asked really important questions like: What do you get when you mix chocolate and milk? Aurella participated in the style portion of the show where she was asked to walk across the stage. The entire experience was highlighted by Aurella's being chosen to be the new Queen of the Coca Bean. It was all very amusing to us because Aurella is actually rather shy and we didn't even think she would actually get up on the stage once let alone twice. Even though when she went on stage the second time to receive her paper crown adorned with jewels and a Mr. Goodbar, she made a face as though she would rather be anywhere but there, since we went to the show, Aurella has only taken off her crown to sleep, go to school or take a bath. In any case, we all had a great time at The Chocolate Show, and we would highly recommend it.

And that's our view. What would you be willing to do for chocolate or your favorite treat?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.