

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Annie

What: Annie

Where:Palace Theater
           1564 Broadway

Who: 5 and up

Our view: There have been several revivals of Annie over the years all of them quite similar. This one is different. The changes are not impressive. It is somewhat darker in tone. The choreography looks like a mish mash. The sets are too overwhelming. The orphans are less distinguishable from one another than previously. They also lost some of their best bits as well as their big dance number. Some of the acting was not quite up to par. Two girls alternate in the role of Annie. We saw Taylor Richardson. Her acting and singing were  good, but I am not quite sure she showed the appropriate amount of spunk for the character. The other singing voices were good too. However, all of that being said,  at heart the show is still the same Annie we all know and love. It is still has an enjoyable story about little orphan Annie and billionaire, Oliver Warbucks and how they find each other and become a family. It still has great singable songs which is rare in a musical these days. Kids especially girls will love this shows so if you truly want to go see something for them, Annie is still a good choice.

And that's our view. For more on Annie in general see our 1/24/2013 post.  Tune in tomorrow for another Talking Topic.

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