

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The End of the Summer 2013

Me -The end of the summer, eh. This summer was good. I had fun spending time with my family and hanging out with my sister and  friends. I liked spending time with my kittens. I liked getting to sleep late. I saw a few movies. I went to a bunch of baseball games. I watched a lot of movies and TV shows on DVD. I went to a Broadway show. I went swimming a few times. There were bad things about the summer too. We didn't go to every place we wanted to. There were too many bugs. It was too hot, but with the air conditioning blasting it was too cold.  I am looking forward to cooler weather. I am looking forward to  my favorite shows coming back. I am half  looking forward to and half not looking forward to go back to school. However, I am not looking forward to homework. I am not looking forward to not seeing my kittens all day long. I am not looking forward to not being able to stay up as late. I'll miss being able to go places as much. I'll miss spending as much time with my family. Overall, I have mixed feelings about the end of summer.

Mom -This summer was okay. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We went to a lot of baseball games, We went on a cruise around New York City. My daughter and I went to a Broadway show. We watched a lot of movies and all of Get Smart. We did other things as well. One thing I did not do much of is go swimming. This summer I hardly went swimming at all.  I think I went once or twice. My kids went a few more times than I did, but they didn't go that much either. None of us went to the beach at all. We are not really big beach people anyway, and we usually only go once or twice a season anyway.  That didn't really bother me as much as other things we didn't get to do. However, overall this summer was nowhere near as awesome as last summer. I doubt we will ever have as awesome a summer as that again. There are a lot more things that I would have liked to do this summer that we didn't get to do than there were last summer. Like, my daughter I have mixed feelings about the end of summer. I look foward to getting back to the usual routines and yet I don't. I look forward to the kids going back to school and yet I don't. In those moments, when everybody is getting along or when the kids are being really helpful or sweet or something, I really enjoy having my kids around. In those moments, when they are fighting or whining or carrying on or just generally not listening, the school year can't come fast enough. We already have a lot of things to look forward to for next spring and/or summer. The problem is so far we do not have so much to look forward to for this fall and winter, and we have to get through the fall and winter to get to the spring and summer. Oh well, I am sure at least some good things will happen in the fall and the winter as we go along.

And that's our view; How was your summer?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.

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