

Friday, March 1, 2024

Giveaway: Win a Copy of The Painter's Daughters in the Lady Luck Giveaway Hop!


 Welcome to the Lady Luck Giveaway Hop

hosted by Mama the Fox

Sometimes, luck is in the eye of the beholder. It may seem lucky to grow up in some rich family or as the daughter of some famous person. However, every family has it secrets and issues they have to deal with. The Painter's Daughter by Emily Howes is a novel that deals with that very thing. It imagines the life of the daughters of the painter, Thomas Gainsborough. Their family secret is the mental illness of older daughter Molly. At that time, this was something to be ashamed of and hidden, However, younger sister, Peggy, is determined to protect her older sister at all costs although she has no idea exactly how great that cost will be. For more about this intriguing book, see our previous post Tips for Tuesday - Books. The Painter's Daughters. Enter to win a copy below:

Giveaway Dates 3/1 - 3/15

Giveaway Open to Ages 18+ US

a Rafflecopter giveaway Once you have entered our giveaway, hop around to the other blogs listed below to see what other great prizes you can enter to win.

Disclaimer: Hosts and participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors and self-sponsoring bloggers who do not fulfill prize obligations. Please also note that we have been having a huge problem with people not following giveaway entry requirements and/or claiming to follow our blog and/or any of our social media and not actually doing so. Accordingly, please remember that following all instructions for any and all giveaway entries is mandatory in order for that entry to count. Entries will be checked and those that do not follow all instructions will be disqualified. Please do not claim entry for following our blog, Twitter, or whatever if you do not actually do so. If you consistently enter our giveaways claiming to be a follower of our blog and/or social media and you are not you will be disqualified not only from any chance of winning our current giveaway but also from any chance of winning any future giveaways. If you do follow our blog and/ or social media, don't let your entry be disqualified be sure to leave your follower name and/or the exact name you commented under. 

All pictures used in this post are our own. If there is a problem with any image, please contact us here and we will look into the matter.


  1. I learned that Johnny Carson was born in Iowa. I never knew that until recently.

    1. I never knew that either. Thanks for sharing and for visiting Says Me Says Mom.

  2. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of American independence.

    1. Yes, I believe I heard that before. Thanks for sharing and for visiting Says Me Says Mom.

  3. Dr. Phil used to race moto-cross.

    1. Interesting. Thanks for sharing and for visiting Says Me Says Mom.

  4. It hadn't occurred to me til I learned recently that James Madison- father of our Constitution- was a slaveholder.

    1. Yes, definitely something to think about. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.

  5. Rita Hayworth died from alzheimers

    1. Yes, I believe I heard that before. Thanks for sharing and for visiting Says Me Says Mom.
