

Monday, June 12, 2023

More Theater Monday - Singfeld! A Musical Parody About Nothing

We were given complimentary tickets to Singfeld! A Musical Parody About Nothing for review purposes, any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: Singfeld! A Musical Parody About Nothing

Where: The Theater Center
             210 W. 50th St.
             New York, NY

Who: Recommended for Ages 13 and Up

Singfeld! A Musical Parody About Nothing is obviously a send-up of the hit 1989-1998 TV series, Seinfeld starring comedian, Jerry Seinfeld. The show itself was a fictionalized version of his life focusing on the daily minutiae of life and prided itself on the fact that it was basically about nothing.  As with any of these parody shows, the actors here are not just portraying the characters but really trying to emulate the way in which the actors on the TV series played the characters.  In that regard, the cast of the current show really has their characterizations down pat. Their impersonations of the way the original cast portrayed these beloved TV characters is really spot on, particularly Jacob Millman's portrayal of Jason Alexander as George Costanza.

The original show itself was kind of a parody of sitcoms so when you ramp that up to parody the show itself it can be quite a lot to take at times. If you loved the original show and want to be reminded of it, this show will certainly be a nostalgia kick for you. It is peopled with cameos by beloved characters from the series including the Soup Nazi, J. Peterman and the Bubble Boy, and more. There are plenty of references to storylines from the show as well including George's engagement, George and Jerry trying to sell a sitcom about Nothing to TV Executives (except here they are trying to sell a Broadway show about nothing to producers), Jerry's serial dating, (one of the funniest jokes of the show actual relates to the later), and more.  However, beyond the nostalgia aspect, the show just isn't that interesting. 

The songs are not memorable either. The idea behind them is well-intentioned as the titles mostly relate to beloved aspects of the show including Monk's Cafe and Jerry and his neighbor, Newman's caustic relationship, and/or specific episodes of the series including episodes involving the phrase "Yada, Yada, Yada" and the Bubble Boy, and more. However, again beyond the nostalgia aspect, the songs are just not all that interesting. 

If you really love Seinfeld, you will probably enjoy this show. If you want to be reminded of that show, you can definitely do that with this show. However, if you really want to have a good laugh, you might as well just watch the original TV show.

And that's our view. For more about Singfeld or to purchase tickets, visit

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Photo credits:
All Singfeld! A Musical Parody About Nothing production photos by Russ Rowland

Images used in this post have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and/or  PR firms.
If there is a problem with the rights to any image, please contact us 
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