

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Tips for Tuesday - Books: The Second Ending & The Wishing Game

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Books: The Second Ending & The Wishing Game

Today we are recommending The Second Ending by Michelle Hoffman. This book is about a pair of piano virtuosos competing a in reality show piano competition. Prudence Childs is a former child prodigy who gave up on her own talent long ago because it was never about her or her talent at all, but about her cruel grandmother pushing her and using her talent to exploit her. At first, the competition is about rediscovering her own talent, but then it becomes not only about proving that she really is as talented as she was once thought to be but about earning the prize money to thwart her blackmailing ex-husband. Prudence's rival, Alexi Petrov, is a young virtuoso who was pushed into music by his parents. They  made sure that his music was his whole life whether he wanted it that way or not.

This is quite a captivating story that will quickly draw you in and keep you hooked throughout. Ms. Hoffman has a humorous quality to her writing that makes it really enjoyable. Her characters are very quirky but extremely likable. Prudence is a force to be reckoned with especially when it comes to protecting her family and the life she's made for herself, and Alexei is a young man who just wants to experience life and be loved for himself and not for his talent. You can't help rooting for both of them, and when all is said and done the ending couldn't be more perfect. It will definitely leave you both satisfied and happy.

Today we are recommending The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer. Beloved author of the Clock Island book series, Jack Masterson, is having a contest to give away his unpublished latest book. The winner will be able to sell the book for enough money to make their greatest wish come true. Lucy Hart's greatest desire is to earn enough money to adopt Christopher, a young foster child whom she has become attached to. She knows firsthand what it is like to grow up without loving parents, and she wants to make sure Christopher doesn't suffer the same fate.

This is a beautiful heartwarming story full of good-hearted loveable characters. The character of Jack Masterson is reminiscent of Willy Wonka and the entire book is reminiscent of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. However, Masterson doesn't have the cruel streak that Wonka sometimes displays. On the contrary, his heart is always in the right place. The competitors are much more likable than the golden ticket winners in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as well. They are not spoiled children too interested in their own immediate gratification to keep their eyes on the big picture, but rather adults who have experienced life and know what really matters.  The book is so full of good and pure characters with noble intentions that you will want to root for them all. If you want to recapture the wonder of childhood and the belief that wishes really can come true, you are definitely going to want to read this book.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

All pictures used in this post are our own. If there is a problem with any image, please contact us here and we will look into the matter.

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