

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Theater Thursday - Monsoon Wedding

Monsoon Wedding

Where: St. Ann's Warehouse 
            45 Water Street 
            Brooklyn, NY

Who: Recommended for Ages 15 and Up

When: Through June 25, 2023

Monsoon Wedding is a new musical based on the 2001 movie of the same name about the preparations and beyond of a huge arranged wedding between an Indian girl and an American boy with Indian roots. The musical has been pared down a bit from the movie and some storylines have been cut, however not that many. As with any large gathering of family (or families), there is quite a lot going on in this story so if you are unfamiliar with the movie, you may find yourself a bit lost and confused at times. 

There is plenty of love and romance and happiness in the story but there are also darker themes including one dealing with child sexual abuse. Accordingly, we would not recommend the show to young children. The child in that particular storyline is played by someone who clearly isn't a child so it doesn't have the same impact as it did in the film.

The music is mostly lively and fun, but there are some nice ballads too. If you are particularly sensitive to loud noise, you might want to sit on the side away from the muscians. That would be the Groom's side. Right from the moment you enter the space, you are completely immersed in this wedding as if it were real, and therefore, there is no left side and right side but rather there is a Bride's side and a Groom's side. 

The songs are mostly in English but some are in Hindi. Some of the dialogue here and there is in Hindi as well, There are a few translations in the playbill but even if you can't memorize them quickly enough to remember them when you hear them in the show, it isn't the language that makes the show confusing at times.  It is that there are so many characters, and there is so much going on all the time. 

All in all, it's a boisterous affair and you are going to want to accept your invitation to this intense over-the-top celebration. Plus, you won't want to miss the opportunity to see a Monsoon on stage. Yes, there actually is one!

And that's our view. For more about Monsoon Wedding or to purchase tickets, visit

Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop. 

Photo credits: 
All Monsoon Wedding photos by Matthew Murphy

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