

Monday, May 29, 2023

More Theater Monday - Millennials Are Killing Musicals

We were given complimentary tickets to Millennials Are Killing Musicals for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: Millennials Are Killing Musicals

Where: Theatre 71
              152 71st St.
               New York, New York

This event ended on May 27, 2023

Millennials Are Killing Musical is a new original musical by Nico Juber. The story revolves around a single mom striving to make her life better while hampered by the fear that she can never do it all as effortlessly as her daughter's classmate Jake's Mom. Then, her pregnant influencer sister, who is at the opposite extreme when it comes to motherhood, arrives. All three women must learn to stop living their lives through filters if they want to live their best, most authentic lives.

The story is extremely relatable in the way we are all just trying to live up to ideals that aren't even real. Just because someone puts it on the internet doesn't make it a true picture of their life, and we are all just going through life trying to hide our messiness from each other. It also has a lot to say about this rapidly changing world where so much of what we have always known is rapidly falling by the wayside.

The songs are extremely fun and many of them are also very relatable. They include songs about when you have a kid you can't even go to the bathroom alone anymore, and how Christmas is the best time of year because you can keep your kids in line with the threat that Santa won't come if they misbehave. There are also other fun but perhaps less relatable songs like one about idolizing Ryan Seacrest and wishing he would put one in a reality show.

Even though this is a show about a younger generation that doesn't mean that there is nothing for older audiences to relate to. The character of Nana Marie remembers a world where so much of what we are told today we must do we did not and so much of what we were told we must not do we did, and yet somehow we survived. 

The other main characters are a trio of filters who serve as a Greek chorus. Their exact connection to each of the three main characters is unclear at times as is the difference between the filters which are allegedly supposed to be of different generations. However, that doesn't take away from the joyfulness, hilarity, and truthfulness of this exciting new musical.

And that's our view. For more about Out of the Box Theatrics or to find out what they will be doing next, visit

Photo credits:
All Millennials Are Killing Musicals production photos by @kylehuey 

Images used in this post have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and/or  PR firms.
If there is a problem with the rights to any image, please contact us 
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