

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Paul Revere House

The Paul Revere House

Where: 19 N. Square 
             Boston, MA 

Who: All ages

The home where Paul Revere and his family lived at the time of his famous midnight ride has been restored and is available to visit. Entry requires a small fee of $6.00, $5.50 for students and seniors, and $1.00 for children 5-17.  Tickets are available on-site, but large groups must make advance reservations. Tours are self-guided although there are illustrated text panels to follow as well as interpreters on-site to answer any questions you may have. The text panels may also be downloaded to read off-site.

Inside the house, spaces are small and tight, and therefore capacities may be limited. Thus, wait times may be long. Mask-wearing inside is encouraged. There is also no photography permitted inside the house although you are allowed to take pictures out in the courtyard.

There is an education and visitor center at Lathrop Place which adjoins the property and which used to be part of the Revere's backyard. There you can learn more about the man including his family, his business ventures, and the truth about his famous ride. You can also see examples of his silverworks, lots of Paul Revere memorabilia, and more. Photographs are permitted here.

There also may be colonial reenactors demonstrating crafts or playing early American music on the property. Family activities and/or special tours may also be available.

And that's our view. For more about The Paul Revere House, visit,

Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.

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