

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Where-To-Go Wednesday: Voices and Votes: Democracy in America

What: Voices and Votes: Democracy in America 

Where: Mercer County Community College 
            1200 Old Trenton Rd. West Windsor, NJ 

 Who: School Age Children and Up

When: Through June 20, 2022

In the current political climate when everything is so divisive and exercising our right to vote is more important than ever what a perfect time for an exhibit that not only explores the history of democracy in this country but emphasizes why taking advantage of our fundamental right to vote is so necessary. Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, a traveling exhibit created by the Smithsonian, traces the period of time from when the United States first became a nation when basically only white men who owned property could vote to today when most citizens 18 and over have that right. The exhibit is completely immersive in addition to numerous photographs, posters, historical items like campaign souvenirs and voter memorabilia, and more, there are videos, computer-based activities, games, and more. It is quite an extensive exhibit, and if you really want to go through it thoroughly, you can spend quite a bit of time here. It is definitely worth it, however. It will not only make you proud to be an American and have and exercise the right to vote but it will remind you why it is more crucial than ever to do so. 

And that's our view. For more about Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, visit 

Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.


  1. The political climate is especially divisive at the moment. Feels like a divided country rather than united union. Hope that changes soon.

    1. Me too! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.
