

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Tips for Tuesday - Books: Good Morning, Love & Movies: Lioness: The Nicola Adams Story

We may have been given complimentary copies and/or access for review purposes to any products, and/or visual or audio media mentioned below. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Books: Good Morning, Love

Today we are recommending Good Morning, Love by Ashley M. Coleman. Carli is a singer-songwriter hoping to make it in the music industry. In the meantime, she works at a big media company to get by. Then, she meets and gets involved with superstar, Tau Anderson, both personally and professionally and the lines between business and pleasure begin to blur. This is a charming romance. Carli is a hardworking admirable heroine trying to make it in a business that overwhelming favors males. Tau is a surprisingly unstereotypical rock star with a big heart and a genuine thoughtfulness for those he cares about. 

The story delves a lot into what is is like to work in the music industry both in general and as a female working in the industry. The former is fascinating if you have an interest in learning about that sort of thing. The latter is infuriating but not necessarily surprising. The end of the book is very open-ended although it seems hopeful especially if you like to look at things optimistically and assume they will work out. However, if you prefer things to be more tied up at the end of a story or you're more of a pessimist, you may not like that.

Movies: Lioness: The Nicola Adams Story

Today we are recommending Lioness: The Nicola Adams Story. Nicola was one of the first female boxing champions. She not only won the first gold medal in Women's Olympic Boxing but was the first double gold winner as well when she repeated the feat in the following Olympics. Her rise to the top which included having to overcome the triple whammy of being poor, black and gay as well as having to fight against the inherent prejudice against women's boxing in general particularly by  those who would be most in a position to help raise the sport makes a very compelling story.  It is a an extremely fascinating and inspirational film.

Lioness: The Nicola Adams Story is available On Demand. 

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.


  1. Thanks for the reading recommendation. I've added this to my book backlog

    1. You're welcome. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom.
