

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Theater Thursday: The Pin-Up Girls

We were given complimentary tickets to The Pin-Up Girls for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: The Pin-Up Girls

Where: New Jersey Repertory Company
             179 Broadway
             Long Branch, NJ

Who: Teens and Up

When: Through July 10. 2022

The Pin-Up Girls is a love letter to our troops throughout history. It is the story of a musical group putting on a musical revue to honor our soldiers. In the story, the songs chosen are inspired by soldiers' letters and in reality, the songs in the show were also based on actual soldiers' letters. The songs range from hits of the 1940s through hits of today and were inspired by letters from World War I to Afghanistan and every war in between. 

There are humorous letters, sad ones, and heartbreaking ones as well, and the songs chosen to represent them cover a wide range of sentiments as well. Your emotions will definitely get a workout at this show. The pictures of actual soldiers that decorate the set and adorn the entryway to the theater only serve to add to the emotional punch of the evening. 

The actual plot of the show is thin and light enough to keep the show from being heavy-handed without making it irreverent. The quartet of actors in the cast are delightfully fun in their roles. The singing and dancing are great too. All in all, the show is the perfect way to bridge two of our most patriotic holidays, Memorial Day and the 4th of July. 

And that's our view. For more about, The Pin-Up Girls or to purchase tickets, visit

Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

Photo credits:
All The Pin-Up Girls production photos by Andrea Phox Photography


  1. Replies
    1. It was a very good show. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.
