

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Fritz Behnke Historical Museum

Fritz Behnke Historical Museum

Where: 330 Paramus Road
             Paramus, NJ

Who: School-age children and Up

The Fritz Behnke Historical Museum is a very extensive museum that covers both general history and the history of the Bergen County area. The museum is thoroughly organized into very specific sections There are sections that cover specific locations like the Bergen Pines County Hospital or the old one-room schoolhouse. There are also more general sections covering things like early kitchens, farming tools, or toys. Each section is extremely jampacked with objects and artifacts. In many of the different sections,  there are pamphlets with further information regarding that area, a specific aspect of that area,  or a specific object within that area.

The museum also houses a room devoted to the history of Paramus. This area includes one of Winter Olympian, Elaine Zayak's figure skating costumes as well an exhibit on Paramus High School, and more. There is also an eight-minute film regarding the history of Paramus available for viewing in a different area of the museum.

The Fritz Behnke Museum is open on Sundays from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Private tours can be arranged upon request. There is no fee for visiting the museum. For more information, visit

Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.

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