

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Haunted Manhattan

We were given a complimentary Haunted Manhattan tour for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: Haunted Manhattan

Where: Locations vary depending on the tour chosen

Who: Teens and Up 

Me - The Haunted Manhattan tour is entertaining. It is unlike any other tour I've ever been on, but then again I've never been on a ghost tour before. I never really went on a night tour before at all. The tour was interesting. The tour guide was fun. He had a good personality. 

I never knew any New York stories about ghosts before I went on this tour except for those related to the theater. The Haunted Manhattan tour was fascinating but also a little bit scary. I even learned about historic things that I haven't learned about in school yet like the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. I did see a show about that though and learned a little about it through that although I don't remember that much about the show now because it was a few years ago. I really enjoyed attending a Haunted Manhattan tour.

Mom - If you enjoy learning about ghosts and alleged hauntings, Haunted Manhattan is the tour for you. We recently had the opportunity to attend their Greenwich Village Tour.  It was very fascinating and informative. Our host, Robert Gonyo also known as The Professor, is a knowledgeable and convivial host. Touring with him is a delightful and engaging experience. 

Haunted Manhattan is not a tour for the faint of heart, the easily scareable or very young children, however, even though, of course, you probably won't see any actual ghosts on the tour. You will get to hear the tortured tales of coed ghosts, famous ghosts, haunted buildings, and more. It's definitely an experience you won't want to miss if you're a fan of history and the supernatural.

And that's our view. For more information or to book a Haunted Manhattan tour, visit

Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.

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