

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Theater Thursday: Weightless

What: Weightless

Where: WP Theater Online at

Who: 16 and Up

When:Now Extended Through June 30, 2021

Weightless is a musical telling of the mythical story of Procne and Philomela, a tragic pair of sisters. The version of the story in the musical differs somewhat from the actual myth, but both versions are sufficiently dark to make them inappropriate for young children. 

The musical, Weightless, is written and performed by indie rock band The Kilbanes led by husband and wife duo Kate Kilbane and Dan Moss who along with their bandmates act, sing, and play all the instruments in the show. It is presented in a concert version and is mostly told through song but there is enough narration that makes it easy to keep track of the story. The songs are hauntingly beautiful and filled with gorgeous harmonies. Don't let the subject matter daunt you, it's definitely worth a listen. 

Weightless is available for streaming for free although donations are, if you are able, of course, always appreciated., For more information or to reserve a link to the stream, visit

And that's our view. Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

Photo credits: All Weightless production photots by Pamela Gentile

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