

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Theater Thursday - The Little House of Cookies

What: The Little House of Cookies

Where: TADA Youth Theater's YouTube Page

Who: All Ages

When: Through May 13, 2021

TADA Youth Theater has released another family-friendly fun musical from their archives for a limited time on their YouTube page. This one's called The Little House of Cookies and revolves around an abandoned house that eventually becomes a cookie shop. You might want to have snacks on hand while watching this one. All that cookie talk and singing about cookies as well is bound to make you hungry, and there are plenty of cookies shown on screen as well. Cookies were actually even given out to audiences after live performances of the show as well, but unfortunately, that is not something that can be replicated through a screen. 

Of course, there is much more to the show than just cookies. There are lessons about friendship, cooperation, and working together all told through a whimsical story. The plot can be a little bit confusing at first because there are so many different groups of people in the show, and it is not immediately clear what their connections to each other are. The show is full of joy in the form of  TADA Youth Theater's usual effervescent performances, jubilant singing, and energetic dancing. Although all of the performers are good, Serena Rosario-Stanley in the role of the elderly Mrs. Obrien is particularly good and believable in her role.  

The show only runs about an hour long,  but the video is twice as long. There are two versions of the same show back to back on the video. Both versions are the same except for some of the cast members since TADA Youth Theater double casts some of their roles in order to give more kids the opportunity to perform

For more about Little House of Cookie or to watch, go to TADA Youth Theater's YouTube Page. For more information about TADA Youth Theater in general or to sign your child up for their virtual classes or summer camp visit

And that's our view. Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.