

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Theater Thursday - SuperYou Drive-in Concert

What: SuperYou Drive-In Concert

Where: Broadway on Demand

Who: All ages

When: Through April 1, 2021

SuperYou is a new musical that was scheduled to open at the Daryl Roth Theater in New York City last May. Instead, it became the first show presented to a live audience during the pandemic when a concert version of the show was staged at a drive-in theater in Upstate New York last June. The socially distanced audience sat in their cars while the five women cast performed from the back of separate pickup trucks.

Now, a recorded version of that show is being presented on Broadway on Demand for a limited time only. SuperYou was written by Lourdes Lane who also wrote and composed the music for the show and is a performer in the show as well. The story is about a comic book writer whose creations suddenly come to life. Although you don't get much of a sense of the story from the concert, it is all about female empowerment and making a better world. The songs presented in the concert do make you want to know more about the show. They are mostly rocking anthems with a couple of gentle ballads thrown in as well. All of the songs have very meaningful lyrics. The voices of the performers are beautiful as well. On the whole, it makes you wish you could have been there for the live performance especially now that most of us haven't seen a live performance of any show in over a year.

And that's our view. For more about SuperYou the musical visit To watch the Drive-In Concert version, go to You must have a Broadway on Demand account to watch. Broadway on Demand accounts are free. However, a 48 hour rental of the concert costs $5.95. 

Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

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