

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Theater Thursday - Passing Through

What: Passing Through

Where: Streaming at

Who: Recommended for Ages 13 and Up 

When: Through April 4, 2021

Passing Through is an original musical based on the memoir of Andrew Forsthoefel, a young man who walked across the country from Pennsylvania to California talking to people and discovering their stories. It was presented at the Goodspeed Opera House's Terris Theater as part of their 2019 season. Previously during the current pandemic, a 30-minute concert version of the show was released. However, now the full production is available for streaming for a limited time for a cost of  $25 per household. 

This inspirational story is about making human connections and really listening to each other. It is just what the world needs now not just because of the current crisis and the required social distancing we have all had to endure but also because of our usual habit of getting wrapped up in our own lives and our devices and not really connecting with each other. The story moves along quickly and is at times hard to follow because people are changing characters so rapidly and most of them are not given names. However, the stories are heartfelt and moving and often relatable even if  not to our own lives to the current state of the world at least the part of it which is not directly affected by the present Covid pandemic. The show is very inclusive and includes a diverse range of characters of all backgrounds Black, White, Latinx even Native American. The music is meaningful and stirring particularly the opening number although none of the songs particularly stick in the head. Although the show is recommended for 13 and up due to some of the language, with parental guidance it is fine for slightly younger children as well. 

For more information about Passing Through or to purchase a ticket to stream it, visit

Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

Photo credits: All Passing Through photos by Diane Sobelewski

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