

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Tips for Tuesday - Books: The House in the Cerulean Sea & Lie, Lie Again

We may have been given a complimentary copy of any books and/or other products listed below for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Books: The House in the Cerulean Sea and Lie, Lie Again

Me - Today I am recommending The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune. This is a book about a man named Linus who works for the government in a version of our world where magical beings exist but they are isolated and looked down on by the rest of society. His job is to check on magical orphanages throughout the country and make sure that everything is running properly. When he is sent to a top-secret orphanage that is dffierent from the rest, he meets Arthur, the interesting man who runs the orphanage, and six very special children. He begins to learn about the corruption and misconceptions that are coming from the government he has always trusted as well as the true meaning of love and family. This book was incredible! The story was beautiful, timely, and unique. It's a story of acceptance and changing the world one person at a time. watching Linus' relationship with the children develop from one of terror to tolerance to unconditional love was such a sweet and heartwarming journey as was the progression of Linus and Arthur's relationship from somewhat hesitant friends to something more. It's the kind of book that can change a person's outlook on the world. If you enjoy books about magic, found family, and finding a place to truly call home, The House in the Cerulean Sea is definitely for you. 

Mom  - Today I am recommending Lie, Lie Again by Stacy Wise. This book is all about secrets and lies and women taking charge of their lives. Sylvia, Embry, and Rikki all live in the same apartment complex. Sylvia's boyfriend has been lying to her about being single so she plots her revenge on him. Embry is afraid to tell her starving actor husband that she is pregnant with their third child and is desperately seeking a way to improve their finances. Rikki is constantly butting heads with the parents on the board of the school where she teaches and nursing a secret crush on Embry's husband. This book is unpredictable. You never know where it's going to go. All the characters are likable, but while Embry and Rikki are both more unassuming and sweet and gradually begin to assert themselves more and take charge of their lives, Sylvia is a gutsy ballbuster who is not afraid to take charge from the get go. While it's probably not that uncommon to harbor a revenge fantasy every now and then, it's not likely that most people would actually take action to turn that fantasy into a reality or do so in the spectacular fashion of Sylvia. Accordingly, this story is a great one to read if you just suffered a bad breakup yourself because it's very cathartic. Although the ending to the story is mostly satisfactory, it does leave you wanting to know more about what happens to Sylvia next and if it all goes according to plan although somehow knowing her character you''ll just bet it will.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. The House in the Cerulean Sea is very intriguing. I'm not a HUGE Sci-Fi/ Fantasy fan, but a book like this I would enjoy. Thanks for the introduction to a new to me author and book!
