

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Theater Thursday - The Wolves

What: The Wolves

Where: 48 hours rental from the Philadelphia Theatre Company

Who:Teens and Up

When: Through December 20, 2020

The Wolves is a play about a girl's soccer team. All of the action takes place as the girls are on the field warming up for various games. Both the writing and acting are so good you really feel like you are eavesdropping on a group of teenage girls not just watching a play. Every member of the cast is terrific in her part and completely believable whether she actually is still a teenager in reality or not. They are all completely in the moment every minute of the show.  At times, it is a little confusing to keep track of who is who because most of the characters are only given numbers and not names. Ironically numerous characters who do not actually appear in the play are mentioned by name. The numbers thing feels a little hokey at times like when the team captain is telling the other girls which positions they are going to play in a game and she has to call them by their number instead of by names. Although the story moves forward in time as the weeks of the soccer season pass, the plot doesn't move forward that much. In fact, there is not really much of a plot at all. It is more like we are just seeing little slices of time in these girls' lives. However, if you want to see a well-acted fairly well-written play that really captures the essence of what it is like to be a teenage girl, you won't want to miss this one.

The Wolves can be rented through the Philadelphia Theatre Company's website for a period of 48 hours through December 29, 2020. For more information or to purchase a ticket, visit

Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

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