

Monday, January 31, 2022

Let's Talk About the Olympics

Me - The Olympics, wow! I like the Summer Olympics better than the Winter Olympics. I like the Summer Olympics better because there are more sports I like to watch.

In the winter, all I watch is Figure Skating.  I like all of the Figure Skating, but my favorite event is Ice Dancing. It is pretty and graceful.  I don't have a current favorite skater. I used to like Gracie Gold and Sasha Cohen, but I heard Sasha Cohen was not very nice so I don't like her anymore. She doesn't skate anymore anyway. I don't think Gracie Gold does either though.

I do not have a favorite sport in the Summer Olympics. I like Swimming, Diving, Track and Field, and Gymnastics.   My favorite summer Olympian used to be gymnast, McKayla Maroney.  I liked the whole McKayla is not impressed face that she made when she won her bronze medal. My mom and  I used to joke about that for a long time. Like when we were not impressed with something we'd say "McKayla is not impressed." I also loved gymnast, Gabby Douglass. 

I iked swimmers, Michael Phelps and Missy Franklin too. I don't have any current favorite Olympian though.  I still enjoy the Olympics, but I haven't been following them as much as before.

Mom - I love the Olympics. I like both the Summer and Winter Olympics. I like the summer Olympics a little bit better though. I like more sports in the Summer than in the Winter. 

In the Summer, my favorite event is Gymnastics. I also like Swimming, Diving,  and Track and Field a lot too though. In the Winter, I mostly like Figure Skating.  I especially like Ice Dancing and Pairs although I also like Men's and Women's too. I  also like Speedskating, but not so much Short-Track Speed Skating which is more like a battle to me than a sporting event. I occasionally watch other sports in the Winter Olympics too like Luge, Bobsled, and/or Skiing. 

I don't really watch team sports in the Olympics. In general, I prefer individual sports to team sports although I do like at least some teams sports like baseball and hockey. However, I don't even like to watch the team sports that I enjoy in the Olympics. I especially don't like when NHL players and other players from professional sports leagues play in the Olympics. It is too strange to me when the professional players are all playing for their home countries. Suddenly, you are expected to be rooting against someone you would normally root for. In fact, I don't really like rooting against anyone at all. That is one thing I don't like about sports. There are always winners and losers. I mean you can say all you want about it isn't if you win or lose, it's how you play the game, but there are still always winners and losers.

In the Olympics, sometimes people act as if even winning a silver or bronze medal is still losing. However, out of all the people or teams in your event to come in second or third is still pretty awesome. It must be pretty great to stand up there on that podium with a medal around your neck and your country's flag flying above you. I do admit though that it must be even a little bit greater when your country's national anthem is the one playing, and it's playing for you. That is something that most of us will never get to experience.

And that's our view. Do you prefer the Summer Olympics or the Winter Olympics?

Tune tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.


  1. winning any Olympic medal is an achievement not many can accomplish. should be proud to compete and represent your country

    1. So true! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.
