

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tips for Tuesday - Books: Little Disasters & Movie: Words on Bathroom Walls

We may have been given a complimentary copy of any books and/or other products mentioned below as well as early access to any movies or shows mentioned for review purposes. Any and all opinion expressed here are our own.

Books: Little Disasters 

Mom- Today I am recommending Little Disasters. When Liz's friend Jesse's baby suffers a suspicious head injury, it brings back memories of Liz's own difficult childhood. However, all is not as it seems. This gripping dramatic book will truly keep you on the edge of your seat. Every time, you think you know what is coming another twist gets thrown into the mix. This is a book that truly captures how difficult it is to be a mother and to always strive to do what's right for your family while struggling not  to lose yourself in the process. Even though anyone can be a mother not anyone can be a good mother, and it is not always as easy as it seems. This book makes that abundantly clear.

Movies: Words on Bathroom Walls

Mom - Today I am recommending Words on Bathroom Worlds. This film based on a novel of the same name by Julie Walton is about a teenage boy named Adam who suffers from schizophrenia. Adam struggles to navigate his way through life while balancing managing his illness with keeping it a secret from his peers. When he meets a girl named Maya, and there is a strong connection between them that becomes even harder. This is an extremely touching film that packs a huge emotional punch.  The acting is great all around but especially that of Charlie Plummer in the role of Adam. The film really does a great job of making you see what it feels like to be in the mind of a schizophrenic by having Charlie's visions personified. You simply cannot watch this film without gaining a new empathy for those dealing with mental illnesses. 

And that's Mom's view. Words on Bathroom Walls will be released this Friday, August  21, 2020. For more information or to find out how to get tickets go to Watch for a giveaway of digital copies of the book coming up on our blog shortly.

Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.