

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Theater Thursday - No One Called Ahead

What: No One Called Ahead

Mom's view: No One Called Ahead is a completely original musical that is now available for rental or purchase at Streaming Musicals. This very unique and unpredictable show revolves around a man named Ben who is visited in the night by a series of mysterious strangers. It is a little reminiscent of the movie, The Sixth Sense, although in this case Ben knows the women he is speaking to are dead and they are there to help him his finish his business and not the other way around or at least it appears that way. The story is very dark but it is worth sticking around for the ending. Although the show is by no means a light happy musical nor does it suddenly turn into one, the story may not be headed down quite as dark path as it appears. The show has some pretty songs although they don't necessarily stick in your head. The performances are good. The cast is led by Justin Matthew Sargent, who is mainly known for replacing the leads in Superman Turn Off the Dark and Rock of Ages. It also includes Lora Lee Gayer (Holiday Inn), Ann Harada (most recently of Emojiland), Storm Lever (Summer The Donna Summer Musical), Morgan Weed (American Psycho) and Pamela Winslow Kashani (most recently of An American in Paris). 

And that's Mom's view. 

For more information or to rent or buy this musical, visit Streaming Musicals

Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

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