

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monthly Mashup for April, 2020 Pets I Would Like and The Overwhelming Amount of Online Entertainment Currently Available

Me - My topic for this month is pets I would like to have. I would like a puppy because puppies are awesome and adorable and sweet and fluffy. I have wanted a puppy my entire life. I would like a hedgehog because they are so adorable. They have the cutest tiny little faces. I have wanted a hedgehog for years. It is actually legal to have them as pets in my state, but I can't get one in the apartment where I live. When I get older I want to have a farm, and I want to have a lot of animals. I want to have horses. I want to have cows. I want to have chickens. One of my chickens I will name Spike. I have want to have pigs. I want to have bunnies. I want to have guinea pigs. I want to have hamsters. I want to have all kinds of fish. I want to have a really cool colorful fish tank full of interesting fish. I want to have a chinchilla if that's legal. I also want to have dogs and cats. I want some kind of lizard or a geeko. I am not really sure what the difference is. I would like to have birds including a parrot. I am going to teach my parrot to talk. I would like to have goats. That is all I can think of off the top of my head but I am sure there are more animals I would like to have.

Mom - My topic for this month is the overwhelming amount of online entertainment currently available. Of course, there is always plenty of entertainment available online, but since online entertainment  is one of  the only forms currently available the total amount of it has just skyrocketed. I don't know about anyone else but I am totally overwhelmed by it all. I mean, of course, I am not interested in everything out there. Nobody is. We all have our specific interests. However, just in the area that I am particularly interested in which is Broadway Theater there are numerous daily and/or weekly podcasts and/or Facebook lives plus two and three hour specials just about every other day it seems plus much more!  Most of the  entertainment being produced by and for the Broadway community is to raise money for The Actor's Fund, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids or some other great cause. It is important that they do that, and I am glad they are. However, as a result the amount of available entertainment options that are out there to indulge in and enjoy is just overwhelming! I could literally spend all my time doing nothing but watching and listening, and I still wouldn't even be able to watch and or listen to everything that sounds interesting to me. Besides, then when would I eat, sleep, read, work on this blog or do anything else!

And that's our view. What's on your mind?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Stay safe! Stay healthy!

photo credits
photo credit 1: Sercan TIRNAVALI Little happinesses. Puppies! via photopin (license)
photo credit 2: Dan Arndt Roomba via photopin (license)
photo credit 3: Steve Sawyer Sleeping Piglets via photopin (license)
photo credit 4: Tambako the Jaguar Close blue fronted Amazon via photopin (license)
photo credit 5: Rawpixel Ltd Aerial view of woman using computer laptop and a smartphone on wooden table via photopin (license)


  1. I live on a farm and my sons loved having all the animals when they were growing up and now my granddaughters love having the animals. It is a lot more work than people know that have never done it.

    1. My daughter really wants to live on a farm. I would like to have all those animals, but I know it would be a lot of work which is why I don't live on a farm. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.
