

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tips for Tuesday - Books: A Thousand Lifetimes & Game: Word Slam

We may have been given one or more of the books or other products listed below for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Books: A Thousand Lifetimes

Mom - Today I am recommending A Thousand Lifetimes by Maria Reich. This book is the true story of woman and the various animals in her life particularly a deaf dog named Celeste. The book is told alternatively from the point of view of the woman and from the point of view of her animals mainly Celeste.  The book like life itself is full of both happiness and sadness. It will definitely stir up all your emotions especially if you are an animal lover. It is a beautiful touching story,  but you will definitely want to have plenty of tissues on hand when you read it.

Games Word Slam

Me - Today I am recommending Word Slam. Word Slam is a fun game. It is a guessing game. You play in teams. You have to get your team members to guess a word or phrase by using cards with different words on them. It is fast paced and exciting game meant for three or more players, but we found a way to slow it down and adapt it for two people.  Anyway you play it, it is never exactly the same twice. That keeps it interesting and fun to play.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

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