

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Theater Thursday - Contact High

We were given free tickets to Contact High for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: Contact High

Where: Theatre 511
             511 W. 54th St.
             New York, NY

Who: Recommended for Ages 15 and Up

When: Through September 7, 2019

Mom's view: Contact High is a show that wants to say a lot of important things about teenage drug use, gun control, and mental health among other things. While, that may be a noble purpose, they seem to be trying to do too many things in one show and therefore, none of the messages come across as well as they would have if the show were more focused on one or two.  Although there are parts of the show that are easily relatable, there is also a lot in the show that is not likely to occur in the average situation and therefore, takes away from that. The acting and singing in the show are generally good, however. The songs are nice to listen to although not particularly memorable. It is clear that the creators of this show are interested in making theater that matters, and I look forward to their next effort. In the meantime, this show is most worthwile for the performances especially that of Gabriella Marzetta as drug dealer, Jean Simon.

And that's Mom's view. Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

Photo credits: All Contact High production photos by Kian Martinus

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