

Monday, August 5, 2019

More Theater Monday - More Shows from the 2019 New York Musical Festival: Flying Lessons and Overture the Musical

We were given free tickets to Flying Lessons for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: Flying Lessons

Where: New York Musical Festival 2019

Who: Tweens and Up

Me - I liked Flying Lessons. It was about a girl who had to write a paper for school regarding a person who changed the world. She had a dream and decided to do her paper on Amelia Earhart and Frederick Douglass because she saw them in her dream. The story was interesting. The music was good. I learned things from the story. Even though I knew about Amelia Earhart before, I had never heard of Frederick Douglass. I learned things about both of them through the story. There were some parts of the story that kind of seemed unecessary and didn't really go along with the plot. The show would have been fine without them. However, over all, it was an enjoyable show.

Mom- Flying Lessons is an enjoyable show about what makes a person great. It is told in the form of an entertaining story about a group of kids who need to chose someone to write about for their final school project. The main focus of the show is Isabella who has a vision of Amelia Earhart and Frederick Douglass, and therefore choses to write about both of them. Her story is both informative and engaging. A minor plot involving a classmate of Isabella's unrequited love for a fellow classmate is not really adequately developed or concluded. The show is too short to go off on tangents like that, and it seems like it would be better if they stuck to the main plot.  The music is nice. The catchy opening number Gotta Get Up which will stick in your head and the hilarious Like Me are the standouts. All in all, the show is a fun way for kids to learn some historical lessons and more.

We were given free tickets to Overture the Musical for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: Overture the Musical

Where: New York Muscial Festival 2019

Who: Teens and Up

Me- I love the title Overture the Musical. My mom and I have been saying for a long time that there should be a show called Overture the Musical. The show, however, was nothing liked I imagined it would be. It was about people who were trying to raise money to save the symphony. I like the idea for the show. The parts that stayed focused on the efforts to raise money for the symphony were the best parts of the show. Other parts of the show weren't as enjoyable and didn't really wrap up at the end. I hate when things don't wrap up at the end of a show.  I wasn't crazy about the music. but a couple of the songs were nice. I don't remember any of them now though. Over all, it was not at all what I expected.

Mom - Overture the Musical is a great title. The show, however, doesn't really live up to the greatness of the title. The show is based on the fight to save the Kansas City Symphony a true event that happened in the 1950s. It is an interesting topic for a musical. However, most of the plot revolves around  a fictional love story. The love story has some unique and interesting aspects to it which would have made a fascinating story all on its own, but here the split focus of the musical leaves it underdeveloped and unsatisfactorily concluded. In fact, it is isn't really concluded at all. It just leaves you hanging. For a show that revolves around the subject of music, most of the music is not all that memorable. The one standout song is the rousing anthem VICTOR 8761. Overall, although this musical involves not one but two stories worth telling perhaps it would have been better if they were not combined into one musical.

And that's our view. Unfortunately, Tips for Tuesday will be closed tomorrow. Tune in Wednesday for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

Photo credits: All Flying Lessons production photos by Hector Sanchez
                       All Overture the Musical photos by Steve Rosen

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