

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Kaatskill Kaleidoscope

What: Kaatskill Kaleidoscope

Where: Emerson Resort and Spa
             5340 Rte. 28
             Mt. Tremper, NY

Who: All ages


Me & Mom - The Kaatskill Kaleidoscope is the world's biggest kaleidoscope. It is 56 feet high. It is located at Emerson Resort and Spa in the Catskills. The property used to be a farm, and they made the kaleidscope out  of  the silo. It is so big that you actually go inside it to see it. When you are inside you can either stand up or lie down. If you are prone to motion sickness, it helps to lie down. It feels very much like watching a show at a Planeterium except the images are a lot prettier. They are  full of  beautiful colors and shapes. If you are worried about being in such a small room, don't be, the whole thing only takes about ten minutes. Also, it is not like you are locked in or anything. You are free to leave at any time. A visit to the Kaleidoscope is free with your stay at the Emerson Resort and Spa or $5.00 for the general public. It is a great activity for families because its fun for all ages although really young children might get bored before the show is over.


There is also a Kaleisdoscope store which is full of a variety of different colorful fancy kaleidoscopes of different designs. They are all quite expensive but beautiful to look at. Additionally, there are things like earrings made out of kaleidoscope glass, kaleidoscope t-shirts and crafts and more.


There are also a few other kaleidoscopes you can interact with. There is one where one person sticks there head in one end, the other person sticks their head in the other. It looks like the person on the other ends is part of a kaleidoscope. There is another one that looks like nothing but a giant pot full of plants, but when you spin it and look through a kaleidoscope tube, it looks like a kaleidoscope.

All in all, whether you are a major kaleidoscope enthusiasist or you just mildly enjoy kaleidoscopes, the Kaatskill Kaleidoscope is the place to go.

For more information visit

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.

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