

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Theater Thursday - Assistants the Musical

We were given free tickets to Assistants the Musical for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: Assistant the Musical

Where: Players Theatre
            115 MacDougal St.

Who:Recommended for Ages 13 and Up

When: Through July 21, 2019

Me - Assistants the musical had nice music. I don't really remember it now, but I liked it. The show was about assistants to people in Hollywood. They all wanted to be doing something else, and they thought that being assistants would help them reach their goals. The story was interesting. It didn't remind me of any other shows I had seen before, and seemed very original. One girl in the show was really funny. Her character wanted to be an actress, and she went on auditions, but she didn't really know what she was doing. The actress who played her was really good. She was my favorite one in the show. The other actors were good too. The other characters were okay except for one whom I didn't like. He was a user. I didn't like the ending of the show. It didn't really wrap up. I prefer shows where everything is clearly wrapped up in the end. Up to that point, it was a good show, however.

Mom - Assistants the Musical is the story of a quartet of go getters working as assistants in Hollywood while trying  to get their big breaks. There is Tara, the aspiring writer; Isaac, the aspiring agent; Liz the aspiring actress; and Nick who isn't quite sure what he aspires to except that he aspires to get out from under his father, a famous producer's, shadow. Although the charcters stories intersect each kind of has his or own story going on, and at times it is hard to follow. The music is nice, and  and a lot of the songs are delightfully amusing. The acting is good. Jaime Dillion Goldman is the standout in the absolutely hilarious scene stealing role of aspiring actress, Liz, who knows nothing about acting or the process of auditioning. The story is pretty entertaining, but the ending is not very satisfying. It leaves you wanting to know more about what happens to the characters after.

And that's our view. Tune in Saturday for a Saturday Special.

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