

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Still More Theater Saturday - Shrek Jr.

We were given free tickets to Broadway Workship's production of  Shrek Jr. for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: Shrek Jr.

Where: Baruch Performing Arts Center
             55 Lexington Ave.
             New York, NY

Who: All Ages

When: This event took place from Friday May 17 - Sunday May 19

Me- Shrek Jr. is a shortened version of the musical Shrek mostly for school performancees. In this version, there are less songs and the songs are shorter than in the original version. All of the best songs in the original show are still in this version including I Know It's Today, I Think I Got You Beat, Morning Person, and I'm  a Believer. Broadway Workshop's production of Shrek Jr. was very good. I liked everything about it. The acting was great. The actor who played the leading role of Shrek was especially good. The singing voices were all lovely. The costumes were nice. They were the best costumes I have ever seen in a Broadway Workshop show. I have always liked Broadway Workshop's shows. However, this was one of the best that I have seen. I never saw Shrek the Musical on Broadway, but I did see it on Netflix a few times. Broadway Workshop's version of the show was as good as  the Broadway version. I am looking forward to seeing what they do next!

Mom - Although Broadway Workshop's musical production's are always a delight, they have really raised the bar with their recent production of Shrek Jr. Jason Daloul was phenomonenal in  the lead role of Shrek right down to the Scottish accent. He could give both Mike Myers and Brian D'Arcy James who originated the roles on film and  in the Broadway musical respectively a run for their money. Charlotte Campo was a fierce Fiona and her counterparts, Juliana Dees as teen Fiona and Arwen Monzon-Sanders, the latter in particular, were adorable.  In general, the rest of the performances were good all around. The singing was beautiful as well. In general Shrek is a really fun show full of catchy amusing songs that are real crowdpleasers including Freak Flag and the only song in both the movie and the show, I'm a Believer. Broadway Workshop's production of the show definitely lived up to the show's potential. It was just terrific from start to finish.

For more about Broadway Workshop, to register your child for classes or to find out what shows they are going to be presenting next, visit

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for this week's Sunday Scoop.

Photo credits: All Shrek Jr. production photos provided by Broadway Workshop


  1. It sounds like Jason Daloul gave a delightful performance!

    1. He really did! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.

  2. So lucky to live in NYC and go to these kinds of shows. Wish I did.

    1. It's the best place in the world for theater fans! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.
