

Monday, May 6, 2019

Restaurants We Don't Like

Me - Restaurants I don't like, opposite of wow! I don't like Kentucky Fried Chicken. I used to like it. Now, their chicken is so greasy. I don't like White Castle. The burgers are really little and they put onions in them. I don't like Japanese food, and I especially don't like sushi. I don't like any kind of fish raw or cooked except lox and tuna. I don't like kosher restaurants because I can't get a cheeseburger. I didn't use to like Subway when I was young and had to get a kid's meal. Now, I love it because I like the tuna. I didn't like Nathan's until I started eating the little hot dog nuggets, they are delicious. I don't like Thai food. I like a lot more restaurants than I used to, but I still don't like these places.*

The above is a guest post by older sister, Melia..

Mom -I don't like Kentucky Fried Chicken. I used to but I don't now. The chicken is too greasy. Also, last time we ate there we got an Oreo cake. It didn't even taste like it was cooked. I don't like White Castle with their little tiny burgers with onions in them. I don't like McDonalds burgers but I like their chicken not their chicken nuggets though only their buttermilk chicken tenders. The nuggets taste terrible, and if you eat them with sauce; they only taste a little better. McDonalds is always getting rid of the things I like, and then, I have have to find new things.  I hate when restaurants change their menus and get rid of my favorites. That happened at Wendy's too.  As a result, for a while, I didn't like Wendy's. Originally, I always had the burgers at Wendy's. I liked the burger's but a regular burger wasn't filling enough and two was too much. I started eating salad there. When they got rid of my favorite salad (I don't even remember what the name of it was now), I stopped going there for a while. Now, I eat a baconator. I so should not eat them. They are so bad for you and too expensive, but they are just so good. It's too bad that everything you love can't be good for you, and everything you hate can't be bad for you.

And that's our view. What restaurants don't you like?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

photo credit: B Rosen 351/365 - two reasons via photopin (license)


  1. I agree with a lot of your opinions here. With McDonald's, I've always hated their weirdly spongy buns. They're so cheap and nasty--it's like they're specially engineered to be as cheap and nasty as possible. And then if you order a cheeseburger and you forget to say "no onions" or they put the onions on anyway--you're left with basically no cheese after you scrape away the onion nastiness and maybe you still get nasty little tiny diced onions.

    1. That's why I don't like their burgers because I don't like onions. Thanks again for visiting our blog and your comment.

  2. I agree about Kentucky Fried Chicken being a lot greasier than they used to.

    1. They definitely are! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.

  3. I so agree about mcdonalds. I am a NOPE on the burgers.

    1. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.
