

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Paa Joe Gates of No Return and John Dunkley Neither Day Nor Night

What: Paa Joe Gates of No Return and John Dunkley Neither Day Nor Night

Where: American Folk Art Museum
             2 Lincoln Square
             New York, NY

Who: Tweens and Up

When: Through February 24, 2019

Me & Mom - The current exhibits at the American Folk Art Museum are Paa Joe Gates of No Return and John Dunkley Neither Day nor Night. The first is an exhibit of large scale wooden sculptures that look like buildings. You can almost imagine a doll family living in them. However, the buildings are actually models of real forts and castles on the Gold Coast that Africans that were being sold into slavery passed through on their way to the Caribbean or America. That is why the exhibit is called Gates of No Return because when they went through the gates of the buildings they did not come back. There is also a documentary about Paa Joe running in the same room as the exhibit.

The second exhibit is John Dunkley's Neither Day Nor Night. This exhibits consists of a series of paintings and sculptures. The pictures are mostly landscapes with some people and/or animals in them. They colors are very dark, but they are more greens and browns than blacks and grays so they do conjure the image of something between day and night.

These exihibits are mostly suitable for older children and adults. However, younger children might enjoy looking at the wooden building sculptures as long as they can do so without touching them.

The exhibits will both run through February 24. Unfortunately, we cannot show any pictures of the exhibits here since posting of pictures of them is not permitted.

For more information, visit

1 comment:

  1. Those sound like really interesting exhibits. I like folk art.
