

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Theater Thursday - The Day After Spring

We were given free tickets to The Day After Spring for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: The Day After Spring

Where: York Theater
             619 Lexington Ave.
             New York, NY

Who: Recommended for 13 and Up Due to Subject Matter

When: Through February 17, 2019

Mom's view: The Day Before Spring is not one of Alan Jay Lerner's better shows. The plot about a woman who attends her college reunion and is tempted to leave her husband for the old boyfriend she almost eloped with ten years before is thin. A lot of the characters don't really seem that developed. However, the acting is good. The voices are nice especially that of Madison Claire Parks who plays the lead role of Katherine Talbot. There are some fun, although not especially memorable, songs, including My Love is Married Man sung by Alyse Alan Louis in the scene stealing role of Christopher Randolph one of the most memorable characters in the show. While, it is always interesting to see lesser known works of famous composers, clearly there is sometimes a reason why some shows become hits and other do not.

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit

And that's Mom's view. Tune in Saturday for a Saturday Special.

Photo credits: All The Day Before Spring production photos by Ben Strothmann


  1. If I lived in NY I wouldn’t mind going to this. It looks like a good show!

    1. It was a pretty good show. Thanks for visitning Says Me Says Mom and your comment.
