

Monday, January 7, 2019

Let's Talk About The Game Show Network (GSN)

Me -Me and my Mom have an obsession with the Game Show Network (GSN). It is a really fun channel. A lot of the shows are really good. I like the channel because I love games show because you can play along. Here are some shows I really like on the network. I like Family Feud. I like Chain Reaction. I like America Says. I  used to like Idiottest. I also like the show Baggage but it is not one of my favorites, and I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.  My favorite show on GSN is America Says. However, I like all the shows I mentioned a lot except for Baggage.  I don't like Deal or No Deal. It's boring and you can't really play along so much. GSN is a really good channel, and I would really recommend it.

Mom - I love (GSN). I could watch it almost all the time and never get bored of it. Even if you are watching a bunch of episodes of the same show, every episode is always different. You never know what is going to happen on a game show. I especially love shows that you can play along at home. Some of the ones I like on  GSN are Family Feud, America Says,  and Chain Reaction. Family Feud two families compete trying to guess how people surveyed answered a particular question. I am sure most people are familiar with that one. In America Says, two teams compete to fill in the blanks with answers people gave to survey questions. It sounds similiar to Family Feud but it is really very different. For one thing you are given the first letter of the answers. For another there is no passing and playing. Each team gets a turn and then the other has a chance to get all of the answers the first team missed. It is also less inappropiate than Family Feud, and it is different in other ways too.  Chain Reaction, you start with a word and then you are given letters one at a time until you can guess the word that goes with that word. Then, you are given letters one a time until you can guess a word that goes with the second word and so on until you get to the end of the chain. You are actually given the first and the last word and you can either attempt to move up the chain or down the chain or switch back and forth between them. I also sometimes watch Baggage. Baggage is a dating show where people gradually reveal secrets about themselves (baggage) and the person choosing the date chooses someone based on whoever's baggage they think would be easiest for them to handle. After the person chooses a date, they have to reveal a secret of their own and the person they chose gets to decide if they still want to go through with the date. Usually, they choose to go through with it. I don't think I have ever seen an episode where they don't. Anyway, this show is like a car accident, you don't feel like you should be watching it, but you can't stop.

There are also some shows on GSN that I don't like including, Divided and Deal or No Deal. In Divided, people work as a team to answer questions but then they have to split their winnings unequally. Who wants to watch a game show about people fighting over money? Deal or No Deal is boring. The only reason to watch is to look for Megan Markle who used to be one of the models who hold the briefcases on the show..Other than that there is no fun in just trying to guess what number briefcase a person will pick. There may be other shows on the network too, but to I either don't remember them or I have not watched them.


  1. I don't have GSN on my cable lineup but agree that Deal or No Deal isn't all that exciting. My 25 yoa daughter has GSN and watches the channel frequently.

    1. We love it! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.
