

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Theater Thursday - King Kong

What:King King

Where: Broadway Theatre
             1681 Broadway
             New York, NY

Who: Recommended for Ages 10 and Up  Mostly Due to Violence

Me - King Kong was a very unique show. I wasn't particularly interested in the plot. In my opinion, it was kind of boring and too drawn out. I think it could have been a lot shorter while still getting the same point across. Although they had an average size cast only two characters were really given depth - the girl and King Kong himself. The songs weren't memorable, and the choregraphy didn't stand out. However, the singing and acting were great. I especially loved Eric William Morris who played Carl Denham. The most amazing part was the special effects. The way that they executed the movements of King Kong was incredible. There was one part where they had him running toward the Empire State Building in between the music, the background, and the sound effects, it was almost like watching movie. Although the show itself wasn't necessarily that special the production was spectactular and worth seeing!

Mom - King Kong is a show unlike like any other. The puppetry and special effects used to bring the ape to life are amazing! However, the show does have a lot of weaknesses. The plot is kind of thin. There is no real character development. There are only about three characters in the show that are even given names, and the rest are all just a big nameless chorus. There are only two songs that standout at all. The first is the rousing opening number The Queen of New York. The other is the sweet lullaby that the female lead, Ann Darrow sings to King Kong. Unlike, in the movies her character does not have a boyfriend to rescue her. This works really well for the show for two reasons. First of all in this day and age female characters should not always have to be rescued by a man. Secondly, it makes the show a love story about a girl and an ape although not a romantic one, of course, instead of love story between a man and woman. The relationship between Ann and King Kong is actually very sweet and touching and one of the best parts of the show. It comes across really well because the King Kong puppet was constructed in a way that makes his face really expressive. This is not a show for very young children who would probably be frightened, but older children might enjoy seeing King Kong and the way he is brought to life on stage which is definitely the highlight of this show and something not to be missed.

For more information about King Kong or to purchase tickets, visit

And that's our view. Tune in Saturday for a Saturday Special.

Photo credits: All King Kong production photos by Joan Marcus

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