

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Theater Thursday - Christmas in Hell

We were given free tickets to Christmas in Hell for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: Christmas in Hell

Where: York Theater Company
              619 Lexington Ave
             New York, NY

Who: Recommended for  Ages 13 and Up Due to Language and Situations

When: Through December 30, 2018

Mom's view - Christmas in Hell is not your average holiday show. There are no angels singing on high, but there is quite literally a singing devil. The show is about a little boy who is mistakenly taken down to hell on Christmas Eve and his father has to make a deal with the devil in order to get him back. This sounds like it would be the plot of horror movie, but the show is actually more of a comedy albeit quite an irreverant one. If you can get past that, the show is actually pretty funny and suprisingly touching at times. It is more about the lengths a parent will go to for his child than about a showdown with the devil. The songs are unique and eccentric.  The most memorable song is the opening number about a fruitcake that keeps getting regifted and regifted. Although some parts of the show don't seem to make sense or lack consistency, over all, it is a crazy and fun ride  It is the anti-Christmas show and yet, it is also the perfect show for the season because ultimately it is about love and family and the bond between a father and son.

For more about Christmas in Hell or to purchase tickets, visit

And that's Mom's view. Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

Photo credits: All Christmas in Hell production photos by Carol Rosegg.

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