

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Theater Thursday - The Office! A Musical Parody and The Other Josh Cohen

We were given free tickets to The Office! A Musical Parody for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: The Office! A Musical Parody

Where: The Theater Center
             1627 Broadway
             New York, NY

Who: Recommended for Ages 13 and Up

When: Through December 30, 2018

Me - The Office! A  Musical Parody was a really good show. It was really funny! The Office is one of my favorite TV shows. Anyone who likes that show would love this show. There are a lot of references to great parts of the show and different things that happened. The actors were really good. The actor that played the charcter of Michael Scott was actual female but she was especially good. She really captured the essence of Michael. The songs were good too. They were very amusing. There was one song called Threat Level Mid Afternoon  or something like that which was a parody of a screenplay the character of Michael wrote in the show called Threat Level Midnight. That episode was one of my favorite's in the show. Even if you don't watch The Office, you would still be able to follow what is going on in this show. Everyone would probably like this very enjoyable show.

For more information or to purchase tickets to The Office! A Musical Parody
We were given free tickets to The Other Josh Cohen for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What:The Other Josh Cohen

Where: Westside Theater Downstairs
              407 W. 43rd St.
              New York, NY              

Who: Recommended for Ages 16 and Up

Mom's view: The Other Josh Cohen is a completely original and unpredictable show. That alone would make it worth checking out. However, there is more to the show than that. It's sweet and funny and romantic. It has fun and unique songs including one about Neil Diamond. It has a talented cast most of whom play a variety of characters as well as a variety of instruments.  It will give hope to anyone who believes in fate and that everything happens for a reason. It's just a really nice show.

For more about The Other Josh Cohen or to purchase tickets, visit

And that's Mom's view. Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

Photo credits: All The Office! A Musical Parody photos by Russ Rowland
                       All The Other Josh Cohen production photos by Caitlin McNaney


  1. My daughter saw The Office and thought it was very funny.

    1. My daughters thought so too. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.
